
How often do you find yourself in that situation?

Not often, right?

The reality is more like trying to stand out in a crowd of me too’s… all yelling ‘choose me, I’m better’ blah, blah, blah.

But do you ever ask yourself what makes people stand out to you.

Do you ever put into words what really matters when making decisions about people?

What makes you choose one person over another… when… starting out… with all the noise… everyone LOOKS pretty much the same.

What dry cleaner, which CPA… what general contractor… which personal assistant…

And it gets especially nerve racking when the decision you make could have dramatic consequences if you get it wrong.

What stock broker… which doctor… what baby sitter…

When you are making important decisions like these, you are probably looking for a few critical clues to help you make informed decisions… just like your potential clients probably do when considering choosing you.

It’s just a guess, but I bet you probably look for people with real experience…

You probably don’t want a doctor who got his degree from a medical correspondence school in a third world country.

Or a broker who thinks the best way to make investment decisions is to throw darts at stock tables.

And I’m also gonna guess you want to align yourself with someone you can trust…

In this area you probably don’t want a housekeeper who keeps eying your silverware. Or a baby sitter who drives an ice cream truck

And again I’m just guessing here, but I’m gonna also wager that… when it comes making decisions about people… you want to take a chance and invest your time with someone you like. Not someone who thinks kindness is for weak minded people, and bathing is over rated.

I think these things are important to you because… if you get it wrong… in terms of time, money, mental and emotional distress… they could be very costly to you.

If you think about it… one of the biggest judgment calls we make isn’t actually when we are choosing to do business with someone.

No, the biggest judgment calls we are ever likely to make is when we are choosing the people we will spend the most time with.

Think about it, when the product is you, and the product is someone else, isn’t that when you are the most critical about the decisions you make. Because if you make the wrong decision, it can be the most most painful, most expensive, most emotional and biggest waste of time in your life.

The Stakes Don’t Get Any Higher

The process of finding that special girlfriend or boyfriend and selling yourself to the one you want… makes attracting new clients and business look like child’s play.

Getting past someone barriers who’s experiences may have made them feel bitter, burned, skeptical, cautious and fearful, is one of the hardest sales jobs you can ever take on. Sound like familiar challenges you face when attracting new clients?

And what about the pretty girl… the one everyone wants to close. What do you thinks it takes get in closer and build better rapport than every Tom, Dick and Harry.

If you are Gary Halbert you aren’t going to do it like everyone else.

If you do it like everyone else you are only going to get what everyone else gets… namely frustration and rejection.

But we know that just isn’t Gary Halbert’s style.

No, his style, whether its selling perfume or himself to women, is to swoop in from above and take what he wants before anyone even knows what’s happened.

He knows doing something different can dramatically change the odds in your favor. After all why would you model your marketing after and an old and tired approach that gets dismal results when you can make a splash…

Make Your Marketing An Event

Just because its a personal ad is no excuse…

Gary is no fool… he didn’t throw out the marketing basics in this ad.

The basics of human behavior.

No way, instead he did the opposite…

He Amped Them Up!

Now, if you are very savvy you can see that Gary’s personal ad has every critical selling element he puts to use in all of his ads.

He uses:


A lead in sentence


The power of “The Nod”


If/then statements

Future pacing (even though he never used that term)


Provocative Sub-heads

Power words


Managing expectations


Value creation

Addressing objections

Take aways

Getting into “We” mode (us against them)

A call to action

A close

Ordering Instructions

And so on…

All though they are stealthier in this ad… all the usual suspects are here.

But there is even more… because he knows that in order to sell… especially when the product is YOU. Its even MORE critical that the prospect FEELS that they know, like and trust you. And in this ad he takes this to a whole new level.

What Makes This ad Different?

There are three major differences that make this ad stand out from the rests of his others.

The first is story telling

Yes, Gary has mastered the art of selling with story, but this time its different.

This is a personal ad and boy do his stories get personal.

He gets personal in a way that shocks the reader and immediately starts building trust and a strong bond.

In most ads, he writes in someone else’s voice. But in this ad his story telling goes DEEP into personal detail.

Because… like I said before, this is one of the most important decisions the reader might ever make.

And with every prospect, whether in general marketing or a personal ad, the more important the decision… the more details(personal) the prospect wants the writer to get before they make a decision.

The second thing that makes this ad very different is the use of humor. He breaks all the rules using a lot of humor. Humor that breaks the ice and puts the reader on his side.

The third reason this ad is different is because in this ad he employs a lot of rapport building… like no one has ever before. Not even himself. And this ad has the strongest conversational tone of any of his ads.

This is probably… other than his newsletters… the most creative ad copy he’s ever written.

And his instincts were right on the money, because it worked like gangbusters. His mailbox was flooded with letters from women asking to meet him.

He was even interviewed about his ad on four radio stations.

Now for some fun…

I want to ask you a question and see if you can guess the what the answer is…

So here goes…

In copywriting and marketing terminology… what kind of ad is this?

I’ll give you a clue…

now you have to think in terms of a traditional piece of ad copy.

So here’s the clue…

Gary was advertising for a girl but not just any girl.

He wanted a girl who

Was fit

Had a great sense of humor

Was sexy

And had the right mindset

I’ll give you another hint…

What kind of ad was the Jay Abraham ad that me and Bond broke down…

If you guessed…

A Qualified Lead Generation Ad…


You are absolutely right!

With qualified lead gen ads you aren’t concerned with getting as many leads possible, as much as getting…


More time and money can be wasted filtering through the chaff looking for the right kind of clients in a sea of leads.

The whole purpose of a qualified lead gen is for the reader to qualify themselves while reading the ad.

On trick in qualified lead gens is that marketers know readers can become more and more interested in answering an ad just because, as they read through copy they realize they still qualify, that they are still in the running. And when they get to the end of the ride… and they still qualify… it’s time to go claim their prize (offer themselves to do business with the advertiser).

Here’s another powerful secret of lead gen ads…

While most people think face to face is the best form of selling… that isn’t always the case… especially when it comes to lead gens.

You see, people think you are at a distinct disadvantage when selling in print vs. face to face. After all you get to “read” the prospect… listen to them… address their particular objections and concerns…

But there is one distinct advantage… and that is… in a lead gen ad… if you do it right… the reader knows they don’t have to take what you are saying personally…

After all… the two of you have never met. And what that means is… they won’t get upset when you are trying to make a point in your copy… even in a personal ad.

This brings down their guard and makes them more receptive of the points you are trying to make.

And everyone knows…

It’s Harder To Get Someone To Say “Yes”
After They’ve Already Said “No”

And people can lock horns when they meet face to face… because… going in… both people have very different ideas of how things should go. Emotions and egos can get involved that get in the way or blow the deal.

But in the case of copy… the good news is… no matter what your prospects stance is on the subject going in… they’ve never said “no” to anyone. They can’t engage in a real argument with the copy… they can only stop reading…but if you hold their interest in the right way… they won’t. This is the ultimate in remote persuasion… and in this case… seduction.

But here’s the real beauty of a lead generation ad…

it’s a soft contract between you and your prospect.

A lead gen ad in essence says…

“If you respond to my ad, you understand we will will do business in a particular way… and more importantly… with a certain mindset.”

This sets the stage for a warm, positive and non-confrontational first contact.

And the more you define these terms in your copy the less repetitive work you will have to do with each of your prospects when they respond… just be careful not to be so selective that you end up with too few responses.

And in Gary Halbert’s personal ad… he covers so much ground in the copy… there’s little else the prospect has to do… other than write and ask him if he will meet with them.

And just in case you don’t know…

Qualified lead gen ads aren’t only about the reader selling themselves to the advertiser.

No the advertiser MUST first sell themselves to the prospect on why they should want to pursue the advertiser… IF they qualify.

If you’d like to learn the secrets to one of the best “qualified lead generation” ads in history…

If you’d like to learn how to remotely use copy to break down you prospects biggest barriers…

Copy that sells on the deepest levels of psychology and human behavior…

Bond and I have just finished our 6-hour video series, breaking down and revealing all the secrets to our dad’s (Gary Halbert) personal ad.

Get instant access and start watching them right now!



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Kevin Halbert

The Prince’s Prince of Print

PS If you can get someone to be attracted to you or just like you… do think it would make it easier for them to buy from you?

Don’t click this link…