Be Among The First To Get Better Click Through Rates Using This Cool New Trick!
The little fake video you just clicked to get here can help boost your CTR significantly as long as it is used properly.
To my knowledge nobody else is using this method and this is the first time I have ever seen a video preview in an email.
This is so cool and new….. I told Kevin, “you have to make a video showing people how to do this.”
We are charging for this simply to make sure the people who could really use a neat simple way to get more people to click on their email links get to use it first. Charging even a small fee helps delay the masses from making this badass little trick look routine
At $17 a pop, anyone can afford to learn Kevin’s simple trick AND I’m adding another video explaining how to get the most out of these video clips.
Kevin’s fake video…
- Shows up in both Mac and PC
- Works on all the major mobile devices
- Done in SECONDS