The Gary Halbert Brainstorming Recordings
Over 12 hours of Gary Halbert Critiquing 100 Sales Packages!
- Includes: John Carlton, Jay Abraham and Blade Thomas

"It was a veritable orgy of ideas!"
"I'm talking, of course, about the first official Sir Gary of Halbert brainstorming session. Remember how I promised that 13 of the world's best minds would work on ideas and promotions sent in by my subscribers? Well, as it turned out, there were 27 world-class minds involved in the event! It really worked out neat. Paulette and I rented Sheraton Miramar's "conference bungalow" for two days and it turned out to be the absolute perfect place to hold a brainstorming session. For starters, the Sheraton Miramar is a beautiful, stately old hotel by the sea in Santa Monica that has been featured in several movies. And secondly, the conference bungalow itself was utterly charming. We had the whole room wired for sound and, on both days, for lunch, we had a deli buffet on the patio on the ocean side of the hotel. It sure was good of me to spring for all of this, wasn't it? Actually, it was my pleasure and it was a genuine honor to interact with all those brilliant men and women. And besides, as you already know, I am truly a Prince Of A Guy."
Gary Halbert
The Gary Halbert Letter
The projects discussed were all real life examples sent in by subscribers.
The recordings... Also Include John Carlton, Blade Thomas... and
Jay Abraham
These are so hot, I decided to make this initial announcement and special offer, because all of them may be gone real fast and this way I won't have to write and polish a letter spelling out all the benefits explaining how much the advice on these recordings are worth, because you already understand the value of such content.
As a fan and subscriber, you know what 12 hours of Gary Halbert advice is worth. You also know that every concept he outlines is just as effective today because as the master at persuading people to buy, his techniques are even more powerful in online videos and electronic sales messages.
Not only are all the powerful strategies explained in the recordings still profound, effective and actionable, and the money making advice has become especially relevant in the past year.
With all the different sales packages discussed during the brainstorming session, there is specific, powerful and super effective sales generating advice you can apply to any business.
My dad priced these at close to a $1,000 but we are slashing the price to just $299 which is still an insanely good deal for twelve CDs filled with advice from Sir Gary of Halbert.. But, we are offering them to serious Gary Halbert fans like you, for just $197 until the box is empty and they are all gone. If we find another box the price of this eye opening product will jump $100 to $299.
Have a great day,
Sir Bond of Halbert

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